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 the about bit: so-far 

eddy gemmell        Current job - retiredCareers coach & director ayrshire film company 
                               age - 68 (going on 16!)

2016 was a major turning point for me in many ways. I turned 62, decided to take partial retirement, my wife had a serious heart problem and she had to stop working and my brother was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. Three years previous my father was diagnosed with the same cancer. And, to top it all, in December 2016, I was also diagnosed with cancer. Lucky white heather you may say. What a year.

I have always been actively involved with cancer charities due to my father's diagnosis and cycled, walked backwards, busked and set a new world record by singing 167 songs in 4 hours on top of a mountain.

Now, here I am doing fundraising because I have cancer.

My aim is to use this blog to try and turn round the way cancer is being percieved by doing a blog with a bit of colour and punky buzz.


BBC Documentary 'The Cancer Hospital'

Early 2017, my oncologist asked if I would like to be a part of a documentary being filmed by BBC Scotland on The Beatson, Glasgow. From around March 2017, the camera crew followed myself and other cancer sufferers through our cancer journey. They filmed all the treatments, consultations and its effects.  The documentaries were aired on BBC Scotland summer 2018 and proved to be very successful in promoting our journeys. 

BBC Radio Scotland-Kaye Adams  2017, guest discussion on prostate cancer 

BBC Radio Scotland Stephen Jardine Show-2022, guest discussion on prostate cancer.


Irvine man to walk backwards for bizarre charity challenge

dad n me

cancer family tree

Father, John diagnosed 2013 with advanced prostate cancer. Lost power of legs as the cancer attacked his spine. Bedridden for a few months but the treatment began to help and he now has limited leg power. Currently being managed with drugs. Also diagnosed with Parkinsons . Amazing man, at 87 years of age keeping up the fight. Sad to say he lost that fight in 2019, passed away in his own bed asleep after months of suffering from the ravages of the cancer. Horrible to watch. 

Brother John, diagnosed in 2016 with the same prostate cancer as my father. John had been suffering from severe backache for years which doctors said was due to his manual working conditions. Little did they know it was prostate cancer related and should have been detected earlier by the doctors but was too late for John to have a chance to beat the cancer. He cancer is now being managed by various drugs and morphine and has a limited lifestyle now. 2022-John is still fighting his cancer.

Me, Eddy. Oldest of family. No symptoms at all. I visited my brother in hospital and a nurse happened to say I should get checked. So I did. Lo and behold, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Received hormone treatment and completed radiotherapy. CurentlyIn remission. 2022, still in remission but recently suffered a mild heart attack. Recovering and still going strong, well as best can be.

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